Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Home Is Where the Heart Is

The super-insulated straw bale home pictured below on the right was designed by this writer and built under his supervision. I have lived in it since September 24th, 2005, and have never been happier with a house.

Late autumn here in Traslasierra and the nights grow cool, threatening frost. Just ten days or so ago, there was snow in the sierra and the pass was closed. This photo was taken the following day.

To the right of the photo is the raspberry patch. It began with thirty plants, but now has more than 120! No birth control here!

A reader whose opinion I value suggested I remove the abortion counter widget I've placed on this page, given that it might offend other readers who would then be discouraged from reading further or forming a part of the community we would like to create here at the Catacombs.

Conscience dictates that I keep it, so keep it I shall. I strongly believe that abortion is one more social engineering weapon in the arsenal of the unholy cabal intent on a satanic "enserfment" of nearly all of humankind. Look at the numbers on that counter: all other genocides pale by comparison. Overpopulation, global warming (now morphed into "climate change"), terrorists and domestic extremists... lies, all lies, just as abortion is a lie.

Let others commit demographic suicide. Anyone who wishes to embrace the rural life will soon enough understand the advantage of a large family. The destruction of the family has been a major goal of the globalist cabal, and they have largely attained it.

Home is where the heart is. Abortion is heartless.

Reject globalist propaganda before you become another of its victims.

Change your Paradigm now! Make yourself a home with a heart. We at the Catacombs will do all we can to help you.


  1. My current front-runner for most effective depopulation method is the proliferation of GMO foods in commonly used ingredients. Check out the recent article at Seeds of Destruction (this text field isn´t permitting cut and paste, or arrow keys, weird).

    If you can find a counter on GMO related illness, that´d be a good addition.

  2. Nice house! Yes, the destruction of the family has been paramount in the globalist plans for the world they want to mold. Abortion is a key ingredient. Bless you for taking a stand and for your hopeful vision.

  3. Gildas,

    Check your private mail at Mish.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. tim please write to me at I need to hear from you.

  6. I read that Buenos Aires is getting hit by a rare snowstorm. Are you getting snow where you live?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Tim Vector Vest steered me toward IEG and I did well. I am very bearish on SRS and SKF and will never trade these kinds on products again. Get out while you still can. Come chat with me on Skype this afternoon.
