Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Leading Recognition

James Howard Kunstler, the foulmouthed, anti-Christian but oh-so-sanctimonious--as only the smug secular materialist can be--professional doomsayer has written a new post on his vulgarly-named blog, said post entitled "Lagging Recognition." Not surprisingly, it speaks of Jimmy the K's continuing confusion about the actions of Barack Obama, whom even the terminally naive are beginning to recognize as a Slick-Willy-style lackey of the financial oligarchy.

Mr. K joined Dr. Gary North in predicting the end of the world in Y2K, but they are still with us, still pounding their respective drums, still singing the same old songs.

Mr. K makes good points from time to time, has written some interesting books, but "lagging recognition," be it on the part of Big O (not very likely he didn't know all along what was coming) of Mr. K himself that his left-wing, secular materialist savior is nothing more than a non-entity, well... who cares? How about some "leading recognition" for a change?

We're in the leading recognition business here in the Catacombs. We've seen the handwriting on the wall, got the message and slipped away to South America while the rest were bloviating about the perceived end of happy motoring, peak oil, the hyperinflation always just around the corner... On an on they go, in a spin, not knowing the spin they're in...

Let's set things straight, feet firmly planted on the ground.

The West is in the mess it's in because sinful humankind chose to listen to the sibilant hissing that goes "You shall be as gods." The shuck-n-jive of today's moneylenders sounds similar, along with that of their pitchmen in politics. The evil begins with the bankers, extends to their allies, then trickles down to the poor, dumb cattle who fall for the false promises. If you are in some way enmeshed in it, your recognition of your dilemma will always be lagging.

Never did I imagine I would one day quote Timothy Leary's Sixties mantra, but the way things are today... "Tune in, turn on and drop out." Well, in a manner of speaking... Yeah!

Those who are not entirely gormless have by now recognized that all is not right with the world and that life styles they are a-changin'. It goes well beyond that, however; it's the whole planetary Paradigm that's changing, and the sooner you recognize that and act upon that recognition, the better your chances of not getting run over by the metaphorical Bernanke and Barack's Big Truck bearing down upon the unwary and unprepared in the dying days of Kunstler's "Happy Motoring" society.

While Kunstler frets constantly and endlessly about the automobile and the NASCAR-laden south filled with the Christian crackers he holds in contempt and despises, all the while bemoaning how Big O just doesn't seem to get it, others see beyond the failed suburban model straight to the financial district of New York, where those KKKers Kunstler ridicules are seeing Jim Kramers who need killing, cosmopolites who have nothing in common with the folks of "Flyover Country," as they sneeringly refer to the very rural and agrarian regions Kunstler claims to admire. Unless and until the Fed is abolished, its assets confiscated, it principals exiled or imprisoned, John and Jane Q. Public will have a lot more to worry about than not being able to drive to Denny's to load up on hi-carb breakfasts before heading to the Blue Light Specials Kunstler writes on and on about.

I am ready and waiting for you to contact me so that I can tell you specifically how the Southern Cone Catacombs just might be the place for you to take refuge if you wish to get ahead on the learning curve of the New Paradigm that is NOT that of the soulless secular materialist financiers and their camp followers. The rural, local life may by default be the only way left to live a relatively free life, a healthy life, a rewarding life, a life in which a family can flourish, but it is by definition a life worth investigating as the sun sets on the secular materialist, consumption-driven societies whose hubris has done them in at last.

LEAD in recognition! Don't lag. Laggards may find themselves trapped where they will very much wish they were not.

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