The American television network ABC has aired what is being described as a globalist propaganda program designed to further demoralize the fleeced sheeple now bleating for mercy from the overlords. Commentary on the program (which I have not seen) can be found at, among other sites.
My reading tells me that the program is of the apocalyptic sort, emphasizing the usual suspects of global warming, overpopulation and resource depletion. Oh yes, there's a killer flu thrown in as well, which requires mass quarantines, and everyone is forced to live in the only two "sustainable" locations: New York and California! Now there's a likely situation! But it does neatly take care of the depopulating of flyover country, where all the homegrown "terrorists" live, breed and hide, sustaining themselves with food they grow themselves. Can't have that now, can we?
Rather than fret about some fictional future nearly a hundred years away dreamed up by paid propagandists, it might make more sense to pay closer attention to predictions of what might happen next year! Better yet: read and examine the possibilities, make your own predictions, draw your own conclusions, then act.
Paradigm Change is upon us: whether we choose to change our own paradigm or passively wait to have it changed by default, chosen for us by the Powers That Be, that is the only question. The longer one hesitates, the longer one wastes one's time with nonsense like the network television program, the longer one still believes in the lies told daily by the political puppets of the financial oligarchy, the longer one remains a victim.
The Western world--the former Christendom--is being destroyed by a concerted conspiracy to transform it into a toxic stew of incorporating ingredients of neo-feudalism, fascism and communism, not by a hapless band of incompetent do-gooders. Failure to recognize this simple truth, characterizing it as "conspiracy theory" and then "domestic extremism" is an increasingly incomprehensible denial springing from ignorance and a kind of moral cowardice. It demonstrates too a denial of the instinct of self-preservation.
While an armed uprising may occur in Western nations, its outcome would be dreadful. How likely is such an uprising? One would like to think that it is not very likely, but that might be excessively optimistic. My belief is that if an eventual uprising is to be avoided, a coordinated effort must be made to initiate a Ghandi-esque campaign of passive resistance, Atlas Shrugged style: simply stop. Stop all economic activity to the greatest degree possible. Stock up and stay home for as long as possible. Empty your bank accounts, sell securities, hold only cash or precious metals as money. Break the system.
Or if this course of action does not appeal, leave the country for one that is less likely to undergo upheaval.
Consider this for 2010: the Southern Cone, the Catacombs for those who would be free and "sustainable."
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