Monday, June 8, 2009

Butch, Sundance, Etta and You

That's Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid and Etta Place; you may call yourself whatever you like.

These three refugees from the USA fled the country at the end of the Nineteenth Century and came here to Argentina, to install themselves in Patagonia in 1901. Patagonia was the frontier, and to a certain extent, in a Twenty First Century way, it still is, as are other parts of this thinly populated, vast and fertile land. If you have the sand, there is a place for you here, so long as you understand that when all is said and done, you will carry your own water, so to speak.

This country has 25% of the world's reserve of fresh water, soon to be a resource as coveted as oil if not more so. There is oil here too. In fact, this country has great resource wealth, though little of it is exploited, because the population denisty is thin outside of Greater Buenos Aires and because life isn't all that easy in the Big Empty, where never is heard a word--discouraging, encouraging or otherwise--in English, and what's more, investment capital outside of the transnationals is thin on the ground in the Big Empty.

Didn't stop Butch, Sundance and Etta, though. Why should it stop you?

The movie skipped over their stay in Cholila, a small town in the province of Chubut, but there they were, living in a funky little wooden cabin, nothing like the superinsulated bale house we could build for you! Then again, perhaps you may not want to live in Patagonia. No matter, there's a place here for you somewhere: this is the world's eighth largest country, with 1,068,302 sq mi from which to choose.

Time grows short and interest mounts: if you're interested, drop a line!

What was good enough for the runaway members of the should certainly be good enough for you!

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